[Job Advancement] Mysterious Invitation
NPC Ferdi
Category Resistance
Available You raised your Level thanks to the Headmaster's suggestion. The Resistance should be contacting you soon, but you still wonder how they will do it... In any case, the Headmaster seems to have something to say to you. Go see Ferdi in front of the school.
In Progress The Headmaster congratulates you for raising your level and gives you a Special Training Invitation. You want to refuse it, since you're still waiting to be contacted by the Resistance, but you end up taking it. There's no way to know when the Resistance will be contacting you, so maybe you should try using the Special Training Invitation...

Use the Special Training Invitation by double-clicking on it from the Inventory Use Tab
Completed When you used the Special Training Invitation, you arrived at the Resistance Hideout! Not only that, Doctor Claudine... No, Resistance member Claudine was also there! The other people you saw in town were all there, but they looked different! Even the Headmaster...he was the leader of the Resistance! Those fighting the Black Wings are none other than the townspeople who appeared to live ordinary lives!

If you want to become a member of the Resistance to fight for peace and freedom, choose your job now!
  1. Talk to Ferdi by clicking on the light-bulb.
  2. Consume Special Training Invitation to enter Secret Plaza.
  3. Talk to Claudine in Secret Plaza.
Unlocked Quest(s) [Job Advancement] Path of the Battle Mage
[Job Advancement] Path of the Wild Hunter
[Job Advancement] Path of a Mechanic
[Job Advancement] Sulfur and Iron - The Blaster's Path